Monday, February 22, 2010

Arugula Bomb

Yesterday was a sweet party to celebrate my engagement, but I didn't puke. Sorry.

However, the night before I did. My cousin Walter was back, and he brought my brother Charles with him. When I got back from my stupid job at around 11:00, (yes, on a Friday night) I jumped onto the drinking wagon that they had set rolling with help from my roommate Alden. We gunned some, chugged some, played a card-guessing drinking game with a random-card generator from the internet, and hung out.

When my cousin and I lay down to sleep, I realized that I was wasted. I hadn't eaten, and my head was spinning. Classic drunk. Obviously, the only way to fix this was to eat. I hit the fridge; its either more beer of some of my cousin-roommate George's arugula. I ate a tasty bowl greens, laid down in bed for about one second, and then went to the bathroom and sprayed out a sloppy green mush somewhere near the toilet. "I'll clean it up tomorrow".

I definitely did not clean it up before going to work the next morning and when I got back home the problem had magically fixed itself! Thanks by the way cuz, sorry.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Preemptive Anti-Hangover Vom

My cousin Walter just rolled in off the train from California, and to get ready I bought a 24 of Bud and a 6-pack of Newcastle Ale. We made a playlist from the internet, cracked open the ales, worked into the buds, and gamed heavily.

We were joined by others and went out for pitchers at the Tombs. Later in the night I started doing an awesome joke where I would hold ketchup next to my mouth, fake-vomit and spray ketchup out on the table. It also worked with ripping open sugar packets.

We got home and I was feeling awesome, but I had to get up at 0700 today for my stupid job. I took my usual drunken hot shower, and decided "the more alcohol I get out of my system now, the less of a hangover I'll have tomorrow". And I was right.

So no big deal. Standing in place pulling the trigger, slamming out vomit all over the floor of the shower for a cool minute. Clean it off, brush the teeth, go to sleep. Woke up feeling great.