Friday, September 10, 2010

Fruit-Salad Friday

It was super hot out on the flight-line today. I was dehydrated, my head was killing me, I was exhausted, and I was sucking at flying. So as soon as I got back to base, I hurried home so that I could complain about it all to Emily. But she had left already for her evening class.
I chugged as much water as I could and then started rifling through the fridge. My head was pounding, and usually when my head hurts bad enough I get nauseous; it's just the way I am. I figured, "if I eat a bunch of healthy fruit and drunk water my stomach will feel better, and I'll take a shower because that will make me feel better, and then everything will be OK".
So I ate a bunch of cantaloupe, some honeydew, plenty of grapes, and washed it down with some pineapple juice because that's tastier than water. Took a shower, sat down at the computer to go into a mental dead-zone, and then ran to the bathroom and threw up a ton of fruit.
It actually smelled really nice, and I felt pretty bad about wasting all that tasty stuff. Ideally after vomiting, I would whine to my wife and ask her to do things for me. But she's not home, so I just eat aspirin and sit on the couch alone. Blogging the pain away.

1 comment:

  1. remember when you puked in your shoe at me and aldens apartment? back porch style.
